Creative Bioarray offers cell line stability testing services to companies and research institutes in pharmaceuticals, tissue engineering, antibody or vaccine production. Our range of advanced technologies allows testing to be performed throughout the life cycle of the producing cell line and to assess the genetic stability of the Master Cell Bank (MCB), Working Cell Bank (WCB), and End-of-Production Cells (EOPC).


Cells are structural and functional unit of our body which control and maintain the function of all unicellular and multicellular organisms. The process of cell proliferation and differentiation plays a key role from the time of embryogenesis to development of whole organism from single- or double- cell embryo and continues its critical role in maintenance of adult tissue homoeostasis by recycling the old cells with new cells. Besides, abnormal cell proliferation is also associated with human diseases like cancer. In sum, cell proliferation assays are very important in scrutinizing the rate of cell proliferation in both in vitro and in vivo conditions.


Creative Bioarray has extensive experiences in developing highly functional 3D cell culture models that exhibit more physiological relevance.

The conventional two-dimension (2D) culture systems in which cells grow on flat glass or polystyrene substrates have been routinely applied in life science researches and drug discovery for the past decades. However, 2D cell culture has been continuously challenged for its incompetence to mimic natural structural organization in a living organism. Cells cultured in a two-dimension environment exhibit compromised properties such as morphology, proliferation, differentiation and response to drugs.


Creative Bioarray offers a comprehensive set of general toxicology studies ranging from non-GLP dose-ranging studies to GLP-compliant repeat-dose toxicology studies. We can perform tests that meet ICH standard or design tailored studies for the evaluation of toxicological effects. Our general toxicology studies range from single-dose to repeated-dose assessment in a variety of animal species using multiple routes of administration including oral, intravenous, dermal topical, ocular and intravitreal injections. Our team of preclinical experts always provides high quality, timely reports with complete regulatory compliance to support your research programs and the regulations you submit.


Creative Bioarray has deep expertise in the profiling, identification and structural characterization of metabolites in vitro and in vivo. We use advanced technology and software for accurate, reliable metabolite identification and structural characterization. In addition, synthetic chemistry services are available to undertake synthesis of metabolites, reference standards, and internal standards to aid in method development and metabolite identification.


Evaluating the potential side effects of human pharmaceuticals on the immune system should be incorporated into standard drug development process. Toxicity to the immune system includes inhibition or enhancement of the immune response. Inhibiting the immune response can result in a decrease in host resistance to infectious agents or tumor cells, while enhanced immune response can exacerbate autoimmune diseases or allergies. Currently, the assessment of immunotoxic effects depends on different animal models. With a few exceptions, the immune system of humans and experimental animals are very similar. Most drugs that inhibit the immune system in humans produce similar results in rodents, and the mechanisms for immunosuppressive action are similar.
