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In this video, we see a young ninja girls take on a dozen heavily armed guards. She is outnumbered and outgunned, but she is determined to succeed. She uses her agility and her oni mask's power to defeat her enemies one by one.

The video starts with the ninja girls sneaking up on the guards. She takes them out one by one, using her speed and stealth to her advantage. As the guards become more aware of her presence, she is forced to fight more directly. She uses her oni mask's power to create deadly illusions, confusing and disorienting her enemies.

In the end, the ninja girls is victorious. She defeats all of the guards and escapes, proving that even the smallest and most seemingly insignificant person can overcome great odds with the power of agility and determination.
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The Power of Agility: Ninja Girls Defeats Dozens of Guards in Aragami 2 - YouTube

In this video, we see a young ninja girls take on a dozen heavily armed guards. She is outnumbered and outgunned, but she is determined to succeed. She uses ...

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