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Email marketing continues to be a critical strategy for marketing (and sales teams) across an array of industries and business types, and an email marketing platform is one of the first additions to a marketer's tool belt — and for good reason.
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Now that you have established your goals and what you want to achieve from email marketing, it’s time to build your email list so you can start sending campaigns that those goals.

There are a couple of different ways you can build your email list, but the right method for each campaign really depends on the goals you establish
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he first business for 2023 will be to step back, clear your head and take stock of all the great things you accomplished in 2022 despite the odds (i.e., coming out of COVID, going into a rebound and COVID round 2, moving into supply-chain shortages and other hiccups, facing down a potential recession) and how they affected the work you did to succeed.

And now it’s 2023. I hope you got your budget request approved
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Catch your buyers’ attention at every stage of the funnel with beautifully designed emails made with our email marketing software.

Nutshell Marketing seamlessly connects to your CRM data so you can target custom audiences in a snap and turn more of your subscribers into buyers. Nutshell
marketing is your email marketing solution.

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What Email Marketing Services can be Outsourced?
A. Market Analysis
Market research is a comprehensive examination of your company’s market, rivals, and consumers. It assists you in determining your brand’s USP (Unique Selling Proposition), as well as understanding what your consumers require and assessing what your rivals are doing. In email marketing, it can help you precisely understand where your target audience lies and how you can reach out to them via email.

However, when done in-house because it entails a great deal of research and analysis, it may be incredibly laborious and time-consuming. You can ask agencies to give you the data you seek and use the same to sharpen your emailer strategy to make it simpler.
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Your emails should create user engagement. Gone are the days when your email marketing campaign needs to be limited to a newsletter format. Marketers are looking for better engagement in the form of interactive content.

Reports have shown that adding videos to your email can increase click rates by 300% (Martech Advisor, 2017). That’s a shocking number. Marketers also tend to include sliders, collapsible menus, and GIFs to make their emails look better to customers. Also, don’t forget to make sure that all of your interactive emails are optimized for mobile devices.
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Email continues to be the main driver of customer retention and acquisition for small and midsize businesses. According to the data, 81% of SMBs still rely on email as their primary customer acquisition channel, and 80% for retention (Emarsys, 2018).

There might be a lot of talk about social media, and likes, shares, and tweets, but that doesn’t mean that email marketing is becoming any less valuable. Research findings from this study show that email marketing tops the chart in comparison to organic search, paid search, and social media when it comes to customer acquisition and retention. Not to say that Facebook isn’t important for your business, but if you’re looking for direct impact and reach,
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In 2022 alone, 333.2 billion emails were expected to have been sent and received each day (Statista, 2021). That’s a staggering amount of daily emails.

That’s not all. This figure is also expected to increase to over 375 billion by 2025. This email marketing statistic will likely prove to you that email marketing isn’t going anywhere soon. In fact, it’s growing.

Over the years, many new forms of communication have emerged. Despite this emergence, email marketing has remained strong and is continuing to grow. With this email marketing stat in mind, it’s hard to ignore the potential of a great email marketing campaign.
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Email has made its way from being simple messages between academics to widespread global usage. In 2022, the number of email users worldwide was forecast at 4.3 billion (Statista, 2021). This figure is set to grow to 4.6 billion in 2025, making up more than half of the expected world population.

This statistic clearly shows that email marketing is an opportunity that brands shouldn’t be missing out on.

If you’re doing business in the developed world, your customers are using email, and you should be as well. No matter how small your business is, you have the power to reach people through email marketing 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

The advantage of reduced time and effort
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Email marketing can result in the highest ROI of any marketing channel. But successful email marketing is more than sending an e-Newsletter to your email list every month. If you want to capture, engage, nurture, and convert your prospects, you need a full understanding of every step that goes into an effective email marketing strategy. And, you need the right email marketing service to help you pull it off.

there is a first step for writing a professional email
Begin with a greeting

Always open your email with a greeting, such as “Dear Lillian”. If your relationship with the reader is formal, use their family name (eg. “Dear Mrs. Price”). If the relationship is more casual, you can simply say, “Hi Kelly”. If you don’t know the name of the person you are writing to, use: “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.

What is email (electronic mail)?
Email (electronic mail) is the exchange of computer-stored messages from one user to one or more recipients via the internet. Emails are a fast, inexpensive and accessible way to communicate for business or personal use. Users can send emails from anywhere as long as they have an internet connection, which is typically provided by an internet service provider.

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The new ‘GetResponse Free’ plan
GetResponse has traditionally differed from some of its key competitors’ offerings in that unlike some of them — notably Mailchimp and AWeber — it didn’t offer an entirely free plan.

With the recent launch of its new ‘free-forever’ plan, Getresponse Free, that situation has changed — you now have the option of using the platform for free indefinitely.
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save your clients!
Your responsiveness
Are you able to get back to your client in a short time (ideally less than 24 hours)?

As a freelancer or an independent contractor, you are most likely remote or working outside your client’s office.

Your clients don’t have the luxury of walking to your desk to ask a question or discuss a problem.

So they may rely on email.

Make it a point to always respond in less than 24 hours.

Don’t keep your clients waiting!
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keep in

A marketing plan is the advertising strategy that a business will implement to sell its product or service. The marketing plan will help determine who the target market is, how best to reach them, at what price point the product or service should be sold, and how the company will measure its efforts.
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GetResponse is an email marketing platform. It enables you to create a valuable marketing list of prospects, partners, and clients, so you can develop relationships with them and build a responsive and profitable customer base.

GetResponse is a comprehensive marketing software platform that helps you create content, boost sales, and increase traffic to your business online.

Second: Establish your goals

As you begin to set up your email marketing provider and build your new campaign, consider the overall goals of your email marketing and digital marketing efforts. Set benchmarks to measure your campaign’s overall success. This means thinking about things like customer acquisition, open rates and how email marketing will build into your overall strategy. Remember, your email marketing campaigns should be targeted and purposeful. Don’t just send a hodgepodge of messages with random news about your company. By establishing some early goals, you can maintain the proper course as your marketing efforts grow.
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Establish your email marketing goals:

It can be tempting to simply sign up for an email marketing tool like ( ) and start sending your first campaign.

But before jumping in head first, it’s worth taking a minute to think about your goals and what you really want to achieve with email, as that will dictate the type of campaigns you send, who you target, the content you include, and how you measure success.

Email should be an important component of every digital marketing plan because of its effectiveness in driving conversions and building brand loyalty.
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