Rabbit Khadka


I am a simple personal,i have many responsibilites to do in my life

Interoperability: The traditional online gaming model relies on centralized servers. Such games operate on disparate systems. When it comes to gaming NFTs, they can be designed to be transferable, interconnected and interoperable with other games built on the identical underlying blockchain. The player then has the freedom to use them in other games (if other games support those assets) or to sell them to other players.

In this context, gaming NFTs are simply a record of game asset ownership on a public blockchain such as Ethereum, Cardano or Solana.

The decentralization of GameFi allows game assets (or NFTs) to be transferred out of and between games. This transferability gives the assets value outside of the gaming ecosystem. And because the ownership status of an NFT is tracked on the blockchain, they can be bought and sold as collectibles on third-party exchanges.