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Meilleur Livre Psychologique

Situé à Londres, Brighton, Oxford et Malaga ; ce roman au rythme effréné suit Adam, un psychologue, alors qu'il lutte pour faire face à la vie après le meurtre brutal de son plus grand amour, Lorelei, aux mains de son ex-partenaire violent. Au milieu de son chagrin et de la culpabilité de son sentiment de l'avoir laissé tomber ; il vit sur un compte à rebours, en attendant la libération de l'agresseur. Furieux contre un système de justice pénale qui, par nature, n'agit qu'après coup, et ressentant de plus en plus le besoin de faire quelque chose pour la cause entre-temps ; le besoin obsessionnel d'intervenir en utilisant ses compétences psychologiques le domine.

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Buy Inflammation Book

Set in London, Brighton, Oxford, and Málaga; this fast paced novel follows Adam, a Psychologist, as he struggles to cope with life after the brutal murder of his truest love, Lorelei, at the hands of her abusive ex-partner. In the midst of his grief, and the guilt from his sense of having failed her; he lives on countdown, awaiting the release of the perpetrator. Furious with a criminal justice system that by its very nature only ever acts after the event, and increasingly feeling the need to do something for the cause in the meantime; the obsessive urge to intervene using his psychological skills, overpowers him. Will he even make it to the release date, or will he already have gone too far?

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Karen Lawson Author - Karen Lawson

Karen Lawson, a lifelong advocate for equality and justice, has dedicated her life to making the world a better place.

Karen Lawson

A conscious hip-hop music group creates socially and politically aware music that aims to encourage critical thinking and social activism. This genre often features lyrics that address themes such as inequality, injustice, and self-awareness, and seeks to inspire listeners to become more engaged and aware of social issues. Visit here to know more details.

The Best hip-hop music group

Conscious hip-hop music groups create music that serves as a voice for social and political issues. They aim to increase awareness of these issues and encourage listeners to think critically. Conscious hip-hop artists often focus on themes of social justice, equality, and self-awareness. Visit here to know more details.

Me from india welcomes yoyou dergians into the world of prosperity where there is no differences exist only equality and justice

Do not walk behind the goodness of your heart in order not to fall into the place of injustice while you do not know

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