

Corpseed ITES is an Indian company that helps businesses, startups, and non-profits navigate legal and regulatory compliance.

CEID: The Leading Biogas Plant Manufacturer Supporting India's CBG Production Goals
@corpseedites /ceid-the-leading-biogas-plant-manufacturer-supporting-indias-cbg-production-goals-j5qr8e3irexd" target="_blank" class="inline-link">
CEID has designed the biogas and plants based on multi-fees and also trying for the single feed technology. Also, there are some of the major raw materials are cow dung, poultry litter, and fruit-vegetable waste their wastage of peels majorly helps to make biogas, food processing industries, waste municipal solid waste waste food, etc.


Ideas for Utilizing Biomedical Waste by Corpseed
Corpseed offers innovative solutions to transform biomedical waste into valuable resources:

Autoclaving & Shredding: Safe sterilization and volume reduction for safe disposal or further processing.
Pyrolysis: Converting non-recyclable waste into usable fuels or syngas, minimizing landfill dependence.
Microwaving: Disinfection and volume reduction for specific categories of biomedical waste.
