A todos un excelente día, abraza a tu familia, dale amor a tus mascotas, vive en armonía

Not everything in the trash basket is trash.....
Because if a poor go to a rich man's trash basket he will find his daily bread.
You can learn that from Lazarus and the rich man.
Lazarus had his daily bread on the floor under the rich man's table.
And I believe God provides for both, but the hearts are not the same ❤️

Happy new month Guys.
Congratulations 🎊 will be your new name.
Blessings locate you.
Good luck follow you.
And God be with you always 😔❤️

If you have 3followers you should appreciate them and be glad because... That's family 😊😊🤞❤️
THANK YOU 40followers🤞❤️

If you think you have problems, just leave your comfort zone and go out on the streets and you will see that God is faithful to you.
Never say you are suffering because someone wishes to be in your shoes